вторник, 26 ноября 2019 г.

Owens Valley Aquaduct essays

Owens Valley Aquaduct essays Two hundred and fifty miles north of the busy streets of Los Angeles, in Inyo County, lay the serene Owens Valley. The Owens Valley is a vast terrain that is bounded by the towering Sierra Nevada mountain range at one end and the barren Death Valley desert at its other end. As the snowfall from the peaks of the Sierra Nevadas annually transforms itself into water, the Owens River drains the downpour and flows profusely through the valley. The Owens Lake would routinely capture this stream and store the rivers yearly deposits, but the route of the stream was redirected. In 1905, an avaricious project was contrived by the political agendas of the powerful moguls behind the Los Angeles Water Company, building the Los Angeles Aqueduct.(Davis, Margaret) The project was masterminded by Fred Eaton and William Mulholland to foster the growth of the large metropolis included a larger water supply, and they were willing to achieve their goals by any means necessary. They found their water supply in the Owens Valley. However, the acquisition of the water was surrounded by red tape. Despite the obstacles that stood in their way, the two men found a way to fulfill their vision at expense of the Owens Valley community. Once a fecund and fertile region that was home to many small, prosperous farms and ranches, the Owens Valley has been stripped of its main resource due to the construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct. At the turn of the century, Los Angeles began to thrive in its economic ventures. The metropolis was slowly beginning to become focal point of tremendous business activity. As the city boomed, business leaders began to envision the endless potential of prosperity. The population growth was surging. People were flocking to the area in great numbers. The Los Angeles Water Company quickly realized that an auspicious opportunity was to be had and warned the city of need of a subsidiary water supply to sustain its growth....

суббота, 23 ноября 2019 г.

Stede Bonnet, the Gentleman Pirate Biography

Stede Bonnet, the Gentleman Pirate Biography Major Stede Bonnet (1688-1718) was known as the Gentleman Pirate. Most of the men associated with the Golden Age of Piracy were reluctant pirates. They were desperate but skilled sailors and brawlers who either could not find honest work or who were driven to piracy by the inhuman conditions on board merchant or navy ships at the time. Some, like Black Bart Roberts, were captured by pirates, forced to join, and then found the life to their liking. Bonnet is the exception: he was a wealthy planter in Barbados who decided to outfit a pirate ship and set sail for riches and adventure. It is for this reason that he is often referred to as the Gentleman Pirate. Early Life Stede Bonnet was born in 1688 to a family of wealthy English landowners on the island of Barbados. His father died when Stede was only six years old, and he inherited the family estates. He married a local girl, Mary Allamby, in 1709. They had four children, of which three survived to adulthood. Bonnet served as a major in the Barbados militia, but it is doubtful that he had much training or experience. Sometime in early 1717, Bonnet decided to abandon his life on Barbados completely and turn to a life of piracy. Why he did is unknown for certain, but Captain Charles Johnson, a contemporary, claimed that Bonnet found â€Å"some discomforts in a married state† and that his â€Å"disorder of mind† was well known to the citizens of Barbados. The Revenge Bonnet purchased a seaworthy ten-gun sloop, named her the Revenge, and set sail. He apparently implied to local authorities that he was planning on serving as a privateer or even a pirate-hunter while he equipped his vessel. He hired a crew of 70 men, making it clear to them that they would be pirates, and found himself some skilled officers to run the ship, as he himself had no knowledge of sailing or pirating. He had a comfortable cabin, which he filled with his favorite books. His crew thought him eccentric and had little respect for him. Piracy Along the Eastern Seaboard Bonnet jumped into piracy with both feet, quickly attacking and taking several prizes along the eastern seaboard from the Carolinas to New York in summer of 1717. He turned most of them loose after plundering them but burned a ship from Barbados because he didn’t want news of his new career to reach his home. Sometime in August or September, they sighted a mighty Spanish man-of-war and Bonnet ordered an attack. The pirates were driven off, their ship was badly beaten and half of the crew dead. Bonnet himself was badly injured. Collaboration with Blackbeard Not long afterward, Bonnet met Edward Blackbeard Teach, who was just then setting out as a pirate captain in his own right after having served for some time under the legendary pirate Benjamin Hornigold. Bonnets men begged the capable Blackbeard to take over the Revenge from the unstable Bonnet. Blackbeard was only too happy to oblige, as the Revenge was a good ship. He kept Bonnet on board as a guest, which seemed to suit the still-recovering Bonnet just fine. According to the captain of a ship plundered by the pirates, Bonnet would walk the deck in his nightgown, reading books and muttering to himself. The Protestant Caesar Sometime in spring of 1718, Bonnet struck out on his own again. By then Blackbeard had acquired the mighty ship Queen Annes Revenge and didnt really need Bonnet anymore. On March 28, 1718, Bonnet once again bit off more than he could chew, attacking a well-armed merchantman named the Protestant Caesar off the coast of Honduras. Again, he lost the battle and his crew was extremely restless. When the encountered Blackbeard again soon after, Bonnets men and officers begged him to take command. Blackbeard obliged, putting a loyal man named Richards in charge of the Revenge and inviting Bonnet to stay on board the Queen Annes Revenge. Split with Blackbeard In June of 1718, the Queen Annes Revenge ran aground off the coast of North Carolina. Bonnet was sent with a handful of men to the town of Bath to try and arrange a pardon for the pirates if they would give up their thievery. He was successful, but when he returned he found that Blackbeard had double-crossed him, sailing off with some of the men and all of the loot. He had marooned the remainder of the men nearby, but Bonnet rescued them. Bonnet swore revenge, but never again saw Blackbeard (which was probably just as well for Bonnet). Captain Thomas Alias Bonnet rescued the men and set sail once again in the Revenge. He had no treasure or even food, so they needed to return to piracy. He wished to preserve his pardon, however, so he changed the name of the Revenge to the Royal James and referred to himself as Captain Thomas to his victims. He still didnt know anything about sailing and the de facto commander was quartermaster Robert Tucker. From July to September of 1718 was the high point of Bonnets piratical career, as he captured several vessels off of the Atlantic seaboard. Capture, Trial, and Execution Bonnets luck ran out on September 27, 1718. A patrol of pirate bounty hunters under the command of Colonel William Rhett (who was actually looking for Charles Vane) spotted Bonnet in the Cape Fear River inlet with two of his prizes. Bonnet tried to fight his way out, but Rhett managed to corner the pirates and capture them after a five-hour battle. Bonnet and his crew were sent to Charleston, where they were put on trial for piracy. They were all found guilty. 22 pirates were hanged on November 8, 1718, and more were hanged on November 13. Bonnet appealed to the governor for clemency and there was some discussion of sending him to England, but in the end, he, too, was hanged on December 10, 1718. Legacy of Stede Bonnet Stede Bonnets story is a sad one. He must have been a very unhappy man indeed on his prosperous Barbados plantation in order to chuck it all for the life of a pirate. Part of his inexplicable decision was leaving his family behind. After he set sail in 1717, they never saw one another again. Was Bonnet lured by the supposedly romantic life of the pirates? Was he nagged into it by his wife? Or was it all due to the disorder of mind that so many of his Barbados contemporaries noted in him? Its impossible to tell, but his eloquent plea for compassion to the governor seems to imply genuine regret and contrition. Bonnet wasnt much of a pirate. When they were working with others, such as Blackbeard or Robert Tucker, his crews managed to capture some genuine prizes, but Bonnets solo commands were marked by failure and poor decision making, such as attacking a fully armed Spanish man-o-war. He did not have a lasting impact on commerce or trade. The pirate flag usually attributed to Stede Bonnet is black with a white skull in the center. Below the skull is a horizontal bone, and on either side of the skull are a dagger and a heart. It is not known for certain that this is Bonnets flag, although he is known to have flown one in battle. Bonnet is remembered today by pirate historians and aficionados mostly for two reasons. First of all, he is associated with the legendary Blackbeard and is a part of that pirates larger story. Second, Bonnet was born wealthy, and as such is one of the extremely few pirates who deliberately chose that lifestyle. He had many options in his life, yet he chose piracy. Sources Cordingly, David. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1996Defoe, Daniel. A General History of the Pyrates. Edited by Manuel Schonhorn. Mineola: Dover Publications, 1972/1999.Konstam, Angus. The World Atlas of Pirates. Guilford: The Lyons Press, 2009

четверг, 21 ноября 2019 г.

The obsession of medical science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The obsession of medical science - Essay Example We have an obsession with scientific methods and we sometimes try to overcomplicate certain issues and pregnancies are one of these issues. This perception is ill founded and in this essay arguments will be given as to why midwives can be more helpful than Obstetricians in the American maternity health care system. What is the difference between Obstetricians and Midwives? An obstetrician is a person who is a medical expert in child births and labor issues. These are people who have taken formal professional education of medical science and have knowledge of surgery. Midwives on the other hand are only equipped with handling low risk pregnancies. Midwives deals with the process of child birth and aim at natural process of child birth. A midwife is generally expected to complete a few courses on pregnancy and child birth but they cannot treat child illnesses. The specifically deal with child birth and pregnancies. There is a difference in the child birth philosophy of midwives and obs tetricians. Midwives consider child birth as a natural process and they have a natural perspective on pregnancies. Obstetricians have a medical perspective and view child birth as a medical risk. Pros and Cons of Obstetricians The major benefit of obstetricians is that they receive formal professional education with regards to child birth and labor procedure. They are medical expert and are aware of the functions of other body parts. They have in-depth knowledge about the human body therefore they can perform complex child births. Obstetricians can also perform surgical procedures like a cesarean which midwives cannot. High risk pregnancies can be handled by an obstetrician and not a midwife. Sometimes the mother has heart problem or diabetes so such child births are better taken care of by obstetricians. The most significant disadvantage of obstetricians is that they have a medical science perspective that views child birth as a risk and not a natural process. Therefore they are mo re inclined to use surgical procedures when there is no need of it. There is also a shortage of obstetricians therefore they are not able to focus on one pregnancy and this can sometimes lead to complications. Marsden Wagner says â€Å"In USA obstetrician plates are full to overflowing† (pp.6). They are so busy that they find it hard to concentrate on a particular case. In this regard a midwife does better as she spends more time with the mother. Pros and Cons of Midwives Midwives provide services that are monetarily affordable by people. They charge far lesser than an obstetrician for their services and this makes them more attractive to gynecologists. The medical philosophy of midwives allows them to view child birth as a natural process and not as a medical risk. This allows them to think differently from obstetricians and they can rely on natural methods. They also give considerable time to their patients so this allows them to understand the patient in a better way. Midw ives can perform child births in homes. This is an added advantage as valuable time is not lost in bringing the patient to the hospital. The lack of medical knowledge serves as a disadvantage for midwives. Any complication during a child birth cannot be solved by midwives. They are also oblivious to the current trend of medicine and in case of an

вторник, 19 ноября 2019 г.

Racism against African American in the education system in United Research Paper

Racism against African American in the education system in United States - Research Paper Example Hence, one cannot help but wonder when racism will become a history, especially in the current education systems. The following essay will focus on racism as witnessed in the current education systems in the American education system as well as some of the problem’s practical solutions (Carol, p.18). Since the time when racial segregation in the American education system was deemed unconstitutional by a Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education nearly six decades ago, a lot has changed. For instance, the landmark civil rights legislation and the civil rights movement have enabled the participation in our independent system possible for millions of African Americans and members of other marginal groups. Also, the national government commenced a War on Poverty and also, the United States voted its first Black president. However, despite the development, what has remained unaffected is the persistent racial prejudice in the United States public learning systems. The prejudice is patent in a number of ways such as unrelenting racial segregation in the American schools, the enormous imbalance in resource distribution between majority White schools and majority-minority schools. In addition, it is manifested in the uneven treatment of racial minority students within the schools, in spite of the degree of unification. Consequently, these factors contribute towards undermining the social, economic, and political prospective and chances of racial minorities in the United States. Moreover, the facts are responsible for the second-class nationality that has defined this group in America for centuries (Dorinda, p.10). In large part, since the United States public education system has failed them, compared to their white peers, racial minority students in the United States lag behind radically. However, although various statistics present verification for this conclusion, the inequality in high school

воскресенье, 17 ноября 2019 г.

Explore how Stevenson has presented the character of Mr. Hyde Essay Example for Free

Explore how Stevenson has presented the character of Mr. Hyde Essay Comment on how the author has created a sense of evil in this character. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is a novella written in the gothic style, first published in 1886. It is linked to other works written in the same period of time and in the same style, most notably Dracula and The Picture of Dorian Gray. During that period, it was believed that people had doppelgangers, or evil twins; this is how Victorians explained the duality of a person. Duality is a theme greatly explored in the novel; not only the duality of an individual but the duality of Victorian society as a whole. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde demonstrated the fact that many high class citizens, who appeared fine and upstanding, hid dark secrets, especially sexual ones: exactly like Henry Jekyll. Another theme explored in the novella is that of the importance of reputation and class. For example Utterson and Enfield try to avoid gossip and maintain their respectability. Similarly, Utterson tries to preserve Jekylls reputation, even though he senses something is not right. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has an episodic narrative structure in the fact that it is divided into specific significant events. Mr. Utterson is portrayed as an investigator of sorts, looking for clues and attempting to solve the riddle behind his friends mysterious behavior. Furthermore, the truth is withheld until the end and finally revealed with the deaths of Lanyon and Jekyll in order to heighten the disbelief in his readers. Hydes first introduction to the readers is when he tramples over a young girl. This prejudices the readers impression of him because it depicts him committing an act of cruel violence. In addition, the language used to describe Hyde -specifically similes- adds to the already terrible impression the readers have of him. For example, he is depicted as being like a juggernaut and carrying it offlike Satan. This illustrates that he was like an unstoppable force of evil and frightens and alarms the reader. Victorians would be taken aback by this as they were very religious and believed in Satan. Both the doctor and Mr. Enfield experience the desire to kill him in response to the incident and this would stun readers as they wouldnt expect such a dramatic reaction from what appear initially to be quite calm, rational people. Many characters are unnerved by Hyde but unable to give an exact description. However, most agree that there is something unnatural about his appearance: not easy to de scribe, displeasing and downright detestable. Stevenson has been deliberately vague about Hydes appearance, engaging the readers and allowing them to envision what Hyde looks like individually. As a result, Hyde will look evil to all readers, now and many years from now. In Search for Mr. Hyde Mr. Utterson is distressed at the news that Hyde, a complete stranger, is set to inherit Jekylls fortune in case of his disappearance or unexplained absence. This is a narrative hook Stevenson has used to entice his audience to delve further into the mystery. Additionally, Stevenson has built up trust and a sense of security in Mr. Utterson from the beginning of the novella: somehow loveable and eminently human leading the reader to trust his narrative and respect him. Contrastingly, Stevenson has used language to create a sense of evil in Hyde during Mr. Utterson and Hydes encounter. For instance: Mr. Hyde shrank back with a hissing intake of the breath, illustrating that he is primitive and almost animal-like. That is my name. What do you want? is Hydes reaction to Mr. Utterson addressing him, indicating that Hyde is extremely anti-social and isnt used to communicating with human beings. After his encounter with Hyde he encourages readers to investigate Hyde: there is something more. This creates indistinctness and suspense. Moreover, Stevensons description of Hyde after his encounter with Mr. Utterson emphasizes the sense of evil created previously. Through the repetition of deformed and deformity, he generates a sense of wickedness as during the Victorian era deformity was viewed as something repulsive that should be locked away, hidden from the public eye. Furthermore, Uttersons reactions to Hyde support this: disgust, loathing and fear. Here, Hyde is compared to Satan again: Satans signature upon a face. Victorians would be very shocked by the reference to Satan as to them Satan was the most powerful force of evil on Earth and his signature upon a face would make the person extremely wicked and malevolent. Next, the random act of violence in The Carew Murder Case greatly affects the readers opinion of Hyde. Stevenson has built up the feel of iniquity in Hyde through the maids description of the crime. The verbs and adverbs used are particularly effective. For example, the verbs clubbed and brandished develop a sense of cruelty in Hyde. Whats more, the aural imagery used allows the reader to visualize the crime, accenting it and Hydes brutality. The maid describes Hyde as behaving like a madman and having ape-like fury, which suggests Hyde may not have been in control of his actions and maybe even suffered from a mental health disorder. However, Victorian readers would not have interpreted that in this way, as there was limited knowledge regarding mental health during that time. Rather, it would have just emphasized Hydes malice. Hydes choice of accommodation reflects his character as he dwells in a dingy street with blackguardly surroundings. The reader is supposed to infer that Hyde is as sinister and repulsive as his environment. Also, this reveals that he is low-class and unsociable, as most high-class respected citizens lived in much more genial environments, without ragged children huddled in the doorways. Additionally, Hydes lodgings represent the duality of human nature. The juxtaposition of the outside and inside of the house reflects how divided man is. On the inside there is a good picture hung upon the walls and it is furnished with luxury and good taste and on the outside there is a seedy gin palace and women passing outto have a morning glass, indicating the house was in an area where poor people, drunks and prostitutes lived, an area where Hyde wouldnt stand out or attract attention. Lanyons description of Hyde echoes Hydes previous depictions. Lanyon describes Hyde as seizing, surprising and revolting and that there was an added curiosity as to his originlifeand status, implying that Hyde was repulsive, yet there was something about him which made whoever saw him to want to examine him. This is a hint about Hydes true identity, as at this point of the narrative, readers still werent expected to know that Hyde is actually Jekylls alter ego. Hydes clothes are another hint: they were made of rich and sober fabric but were enormously too large for him. As Jekyll is wealthy he could afford luxurious clothes, and of course they would be too big for Hyde as he is considerably smaller than Jekyll. Lanyon tells of Hyde as having a remarkable combination ofmuscular activity anddebility of constitution, meaning that Hyde was energetic yet appeared fragile and in a poor state of health. On one hand, Jekylls description of Hyde is a summary of all the other characters. Jekyll says that evil was written broadly and plainly on Hydes face and that Hyde carried an imprint of deformity and decay. On the other hand, however, Jekyll is attracted to Hyde: I was conscious of no repugnance, rather of a leap of welcome, revealing that Jekyll, rather than being repulsed by Hyde and fighting the transformation, is magnetized by him and embraced the transformation. Also, with Hyde, Jekyll feels complete as he no longer has to battle with his dark side but can accept it is a part of him: it seemed more express and single. Therefore, the reader is not expected to feel shocked when Jekyll says human beingsare commingled out of good and evil, as Jekyll has just explained that good and evil co-exist in a person and that it is impossible to be whole without both, linking to the theme of duality. All of us are good and evil, but we decide which side to act on. Hydes desires were mostly why Jekyll chose to transform into him. Jekyll doesnt stipulate what these desires were. What was deemed as socially intolerable and undignified in the Victorian era, might not be viewed that way today. For this reason, Stevenson has not specified what Hyde gets up to or the kind of pleasures he fulfils: so that the text is mentally stimulating to readers, be it Victorians or present day readers. Additionally, Stevenson has withheld the details because they probably would have offended a Victorian audience. Nonetheless, this would be different with a modern audience as a modern audience is exposed to much more than a Victorian one. And, the text is more effective without the details as readers are left to guess, which means Hydes secret could be any one of hundreds. Again, Stevenson is being deliberately vague, just as he was with Hydes appearance: making Hydes secret all things to all readers. In conclusion, by not revealing many details about Hyde, Stevenson created a truly evil character, as humans inherently fear the unknown. When the (few) details are revealed to the readers they are extremely unpleasant, with Hyde being deformed, ape-like and repulsive. Still, the real horror in the story is not Hyde. Jekyll, at the start of chapter 10, describes himself as being bornendowed besides with excellent partswith every guarantee of an honourable and distinguished future. Stevenson could have been describing every person in this way, as we are all born expected to be excellent, principled humans, with every guarantee of an honourable and distinguished future. Therefore, in at least one way, everyone can relate to Jekyll. So, the real horror is not Hyde, but rather that every person, good or bad, is a Jekyll and a Hyde.

четверг, 14 ноября 2019 г.

Welfare Reform: Have we considered our children? :: Essays Papers

Welfare Reform: Have we considered our children? "Contract with America", "block grants", "personal responsibility" and "welfare to work" are all familiar rhetoric. With the changing of the guard in Washington, "welfare as we know it" is quickly becoming a relic of the past. The question is whether our newly-elected leaders are reforming the welfare system or simply perpetuating the horrific state of our country's poorest citizens- our children. Consolidation of federal programs into block grants includes an estimated 5-20% cut in the level of federal spending for many of these programs. If the proposed changes in AFDC were fully in effect today, more than five million children, one-half of the children now on AFDC, would lose their benefits. Revision of the original plan does not necessarily translate into added protection for children. Both the Clinton administration and state governments, represented by Republican governors, have proposed alternative welfare reform plans. The alternative plans still include support for block grants and federal cutbacks. Elimination of federal oversight of child welfare programs will eradicate over fifteen years of child advocacy efforts. In the proposed legislation, funding under the Social Security Act for state child welfare systems would be combined into a block grant to be disseminated according to each states' discretion. House Representatives have failed to mention that monies for state child welfare programs are currently linked to federal standards and compliance measures. Receipt of federal foster care money is dependent upon state compliance with requirements such as permanency planning, family preservation and reunification and placement of children in the least restrictive, most family-like setting. Loss of these compliance measures will potentially dismantle a nationwide system developed solely to protect the best interests of the child. Along a similar vein, elimination of the entitlement status of social welfare programs destroys the safety net for children whose parents are poor. Unlike entitlements which legally guarantee assistance for children and families, block grants place a financial cap on spending. If states run out of money, families will be forced to wait until the next fiscal year to receive assistance. Denying entitlement status guarantees that many children will go hungry, and in turn will be unable to develop into healthy, productive adults. The current welfare reform proposals, although intended to target single women, realistically punish the children. Without built-in federal protections for children combined with a guaranteed safety net for parents, we cannot expect children in poverty to become responsible selfsufficient citizens.

вторник, 12 ноября 2019 г.

Management a Factor of Production and Also an Economic Resources Essay

Management can be defined in various ways. In the words of Pride et al, management is the process of coordinating the resources of the organization to achieve the primary goals of the organization. It is also defined as the organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of defined objectives. Taylor defined management as knowing exactly what men do, and the seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way. Today, however, management is obviously a much more complex problem than the above definition portrays. Griffins(1996) defines it as the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling an organization’s human financial, physical and information resources to achieve organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner. Management is a dynamic process of getting things done with and through the co-operative effort of others. It involves utilizing the various resources of an organization a nd combining them in such a way that the organization’s goals are attained. Effective management is crucial to an organization’s overall success. Individuals who are responsible for helping organizations achieve their goals are designated MANAGERS. A MANAGER is someone whose primary activities are of the management process. Specifically, a manager is someone who plans, organize, leads and control human, financial, and physical and information resources (Griffin 1996). In order words, he or she is responsible for allocating human and material resources and directing the operations of an organization. Thus, managers are fully responsible for the realization of results through the concerted efforts of other people. Today’s managers face complex, difficult and exciting quality of work life, increased diversity of the workplace, more social and ethical responsibilities, environmental protection and other legal requirements. They plan for the future, explore avenues of motivating employees and strive to increase their company’s overall efficie ncy, effectiveness and productivity. The managerial function is one of the approaches to understanding the dynamic and complex process called management. The managerial functions are general administrative duties that need to be carried out in virtually all productive organization. The most popular approach has been to describe what managers do, which is considered the functional view. It specifies the management process as a sequence of logical and rational steps. The manager’s functions are interrelated and are often performed simultaneously to achieve desired objectives. Fayol (1949) identified five of these functions as: planning, organization, command, coordination and control. Over the years, Fayol’s list of five managerial functions has been updated and expanded by management scholars to include decision- making, staffing, communication, leading and motivating. These functions are briefly explained as follows: a.Planning: This is a dynamic process of deciding today what actions should be taken at sometime in the future and how best to tackle them. Developing a strategy for guiding an organization to a desired posi tion at a given time in the future is referred to as STRATEGIC PLANNING. Planning helps maintain managerial effectiveness by guiding future activities b.Organizing: Once a workable plan has been established or developed, the next phase is to arrange and allocate work, authority and resources among an organization’s members in order to achieve the organization’s goals. Other basic concepts of organizing include departmentalization, chain of command, division of labour, spans of control, coordination and specialization. Proper organizing helps ensure the efficient utilization of human resources. c.Leading: The leading function involves directing, influencing and motivating employees to perform assigned tasks. Managers try to create the atmosphere and peaceful organizational climate, inspire their subordinates by serving as role models and adapt their management style to the demands of the situation. d.Decision-making: Decision making involves choosing from among alternative courses of action. It connects the organization’s present circumstances to actions that will move the organization into the future. Past expe riences plays a major role in determining the choices that managers take. e.Staffing: This is an integral part of the management process. It includes human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation/socialization, training and development, performance appraisal and compensation. It is believed that organizations are as good as the people in them. f.Motivating: The term motivation refers to the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction. Through motivation, managers try to get people to willingly channel their efforts towards the attainment of organizational goals. g.Communicating: This is the transfer of information and understanding from one individual to another by means of meaningful symbols. It is a process that requires both a sender –who initiates the process and a receiver-who completes the communication link. Managers use the communication process to carry out their functions and roles. For instance, no decision can be implemented until the managers effectively communicate it to the relevant individuals. h.Controlling: The final phase of management process. It involves the following key elements: establishing standards of performance, measuring current performance, comparing this performance to the established standards and taking corrective actions if deviations are detected. The controlling function helps keep the organization on track. Having discussed and defined management and its functions, we look at management as a factor of production. Production is the action of manufacturing, growing, extracting things especially in large quantities. In economics, production means creation or an addition of utility. While factors of production means inputs and finished goods means output. Output depends upon input. Input is the starting point and output is the end point of the production process. The input – output relationship is called production function. Factors of production (or productive inputs or resources) are any commodities or service used to produce goods and services. Factors of production may also refer specifically to the primary factors which are including land, labour (the ability to work) and capital goods applied to production. The primary factors facilitate production but neither become part of the product (as with raw materials) nor become significantly transformed by the production process (as fuel used to power machinery). The requirements or rather the factors of production are usually classified as the following: a.Land: Land is the natural resources available for production. It includes the natural resources within the land such as mineral deposits like coal and iron-ore. Some nations are endowed with natural resources and exploit this by specializing in extraction and production of these resources. For example: the development of the North Sea oil and gas. This is an important factor of production as modern factories extend on one level and require space for storage and parking. The returns or payments to land are called RENT. Land is not only the site of production but also natural above or below the soil. b.Labour: This is the human effort, whether manual or mental that contributes to production. This also includes all human resources; it may be skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled. Local labour markets vary in size and nature of the pool of labour. Cheap, unskilled and semi-skilled labour may be an important location factor for multinational companies while skilled labour is significant in high technology industries. For example, most products are manufactured in China because they offer cheap labour. Industries may be capital-or-labour intensive. Not all labour is of the same quality. Some workers are more productive than others because of the education, training and experience they have received. The reward or payments for labour is called WAGES. c.Capital: To an economist, capital has several meanings – including the finance raised to operate a business. But normally the term capital means investment in goods that can produce other goods in the future. This is also denoted as machinery or tools which are used in combination with labour for the purpose of making goods. It covers all man- made aids to future production. There can be fixed or circulating capital. The former relates to goods such as buildings or machinery while the latter refers to the stock of goods a firm has ready for use in the future, raw materials and components. Capital is the only factor of production which itself is created in the production process. Increases to the capital stock of a nation are called investment. Investment is important if the economy is to achieve economic growth in the long run. INTEREST is the returns for capital. d. Entrepreneurship: This is sometimes referred to as Management. Entrepreneurs are people who organize other productive resources to make goods and services. Some economists regard entrepreneurs as a specialist form of labour input. Others believe that they deserve recognition as a separate factor of production in their own right. The success or failure of a business often depends critically on the quality of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship can also be referred to as the managerial, innovative and risk taking qualities which an individual displays when combining the other factors of production in order to generate output. Management skills are a vital factor of labour and production under the heading of entrepreneurship. Management is often included as a factor of production along with machines, materials and money. According to the management guru Peter Drucker (1909 – 2005), the basic task of management is of two folds: marketing and innovation. Innovation in the sense of creation of new products, ideas or services and marketing in the sense that management not only combines the available resources and other factors of production in the most suitable techniques of production in order to produce goods and services but it also ensures that these goods and services get to their final consumers in a perfect shape thereby maximizing profit which is the returns for entrepreneurship. Quite often the term management is used to refer to both the persons who occupy managerial positions as well as activities which managers perform. Management as a discipline consist of the interlocking of functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling and directing an organization’s resources to achieve the policy’s objectives. Management can be said to be the chief or main factor of production because it controls and directs the other factors of production through various ways: land- it is management that decides the best and most suitable site for production and it also knows and organizes for the expansion of the industry’s production site if need be. Management also sources for capital or funds to run a business, it also sources for raw materials and machines needed for the effective production of goods and services. Management also influences the human behavior which is essential factor of production. Every worker is individually different from the other workers as regards to his ability, knowledge, skills, socio-economic status, attitudes and ideologies. Management is concerned with the integration of individual efforts and how to decentralize them towards achieving the desired goal or result. Most workers tend to perform better when they are being supervised; this supervision is also carried out by management or manager. Finally, having enumerated the role of management in the production process, you will strongly believe the assertion that management is a factor of production and also plays a vital role in an organization. In fact, without management, there will be no production and organization. Management is the chief head of all the factors of production because it is the only factor that assembles and integrates the other factors of production MANAGEMENT AS AN ECONOMIC RESOURCE Economic resources can be defined as the commodities that include goods, services, properties, merchandises and supplies that produce and generate income in the country. These are the assets (things of value) which an economy or business may have available to supply and produce goods and services to meet the ever changing needs and wants of individuals (as in the case of business) and society (in the case of society as a whole) Economic resources are scarce relative to the infinite needs and wants of people and businesses operating in the economy. It is important to use these resources efficiently in order to maximize the output that can be produced from them. According to an economist, management is one of the factors of production, the other factors of production being land, labour, and capital. In a small enterprise, the owner may act as the manager. But in large corporations, there is a divorce between ownership and management. Management is the most active factor of production b ecause it assembles the other factors. The efficient use of land and capital depends upon labour which is in turn governed by management. Management coordinates the other Ms (manpower, methods, markets, materials, machinery and money) of an organization and therefore, it occupies a unique place among the productive factors as can be seen. The efficiency of management factor can be improved through training and development of executives. The importance of management increases with the tempo of industrialization. The economic and social development of mankind since the 2nd world war has occurred as a result of systematic and purposeful work on developing managers. The directors and managers have the power and responsibility to make decisions to manage enterprise. The size of management can range from one person in a small organization to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies. In large organizations, the board of directors formulates the policy which is then implemented by the chief executive officers. Some business analyst and financiers accord the highest importance to the quality and experience of the managers in evaluating an organizations current and future worth. As an economic factor of resources, management makes a productive enterprise out of physical and human resources. Efficient management is the most important input in the success of an organization. The inputs of manpower, materials, machinery and money do not by themselves ensure growth; they become productive through the catalyst of management. Finally, having defined management and discussed management and also economic resources, it is obvious that management is a multipurpose organ that manages a business and manages managers and manages worker and work. Without management, there will be no organization and vice versa. Entrepreneur should ensure that the management team in their organization is effective and efficient in carrying out their duties as managers. The entrepreneur can also engage the management team in on the job training, seminars and other forms of training in order to improve their knowledge and at the long run improve the company productivity. The success and failure of a business often depends on the quality of the management team.

воскресенье, 10 ноября 2019 г.

Life and Contribution of Barkha Dutt Essay

Barkha Dutt was born in India on 18th December 1971 and is a noted TV journalist in India and at present is working for the NDTV. She was born to S. P. Dutt and Prabha Dutt. While her father was an official in Air India, her mother was a Chief of Bureau of the Hindustan Times for quite some time. She had her childhood days in New Delhi and New York. Barkha is indebted for her journalism skills to her mother, Prabha, a pioneer among women journalists in India. But Prabha Dutt died in 1984, when she was in her prime, due to a brain hemorrhage. At that time Barkha was just thirteen. She had her education from the Modern School, New Delhi. This was followed by her graduation in English Literature from St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi. After this, she did her Master’s Degree in Mass Communications from Jamia Millia Islamia’s Mass Communication Research Center New Delhi. That was the time NDTV was just about starting and Barkha took up a job with the channel. â€Å"There was no looking back after that,† she says. She was a 1997 winner of the Inlaks Scholarship, which sends six Indians abroad annually for graduate work. Barkha took two years off from work and got a master’s in journalism from University of Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism, New York. Meeting Barkha, one thinks she is indeed her mother’s daughter. Her mother’s story of war reporting begins years before Barkha was born. At the time of the Indo-Pak war in 1965, Prabha Behl, a bright young reporter with the Hindustan Times, sought permission to cover the war for her newspaper. Those were the subdued sixties and women were still struggling hard to make a place for themselves in a man’s world. The editor said a firm â€Å"No† to Prabha. We don’t send women reporters to the war front. † But Prabha was a competent reporter and she found a way out for herself. She took leave from office and went to stay with her grandparents in Amritsar. Recounting this, Barkha says: â€Å"There, she made contacts and went to the front on her own. She started sending news dispatches from there. And these were so good that the newspaper had no choice but to use them. † There is pride in the daughter’s voice as she tells this. Barkha became a familiar face and the best-known journalist as she was bringing live action home to the living rooms. She was also the first Indian woman journalist to be reporting thus as shells flew past and bullets were being fired. The iconic stature this dare bestowed upon her could have been a heady cocktail and someone more vulnerable to success would have been a part of the Capital’s party circuit with her mug every other day among the Page Three celebrities. Barkha Dutt — Reporting from Kargil It was Barkha Dutt’s frontline reporting of the Kargil conflict in 1999 that made her a household name. From that time the focus of her work has been conflict reporting, covering areas ranging from Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. She is at present the Managing Editor of NDTV 24Ãâ€"7, India’s premiere satellite television network, and also the host of â€Å"We the People†, every week. By this age she has become one of the most influential journalists in the country. Her work has won her over twenty international and national awards, including the Commonwealth Broadcasters Award, 2002, the Global Leader of Tomorrow Award from the World Economic Forum in 2001, and the Broadcast Journalist of the Year award from the Indian Express, in 2005. She also writes a weekly column for The Hindustan Times and The Khaleej Times. However, Kargil has not been the be-all and end-all of this young lady with a nose for news. The Kashmir story has been very close to her heart for that was a place she visited again and again for follow-ups. Barkha says: â€Å"Reporting on Kashmir too is not easy. If you empathize with the Army, you are called a government stooge and if you see the human side of militants, you are labeled anti-national. But a friend told me that if all sides start labeling you then you could be sure that you are doing your work impartially. And that is precisely what happened to me in Kashmir. During the Gujarat riots, Barkha covered the area from Godhra to Baroda at length, following rape victims and others. She recounts a sad incident of those times: â€Å"I saw the helplessness of the people of a particular community. My cameraman Ajmal Jami and I (we have always worked together) were driving down and the mobs stopped our car. I do not believe in religious identity but I had to say that I was a Hindu and invent a Hindu name for Ajmal. † In 2008, the Indian government awarded Dutt the Padma Shri, a civilian honor, for her coverage of the 2004 Tsunami. Barkha also received the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association award for Journalist of the Year, 2007. Her Sunday talk show has won the most awards out of any show on Indian television, winning the Indian Television Academy award for Best Talk Show five years in a row. In 2008, Dutt received the Indian News Broadcasting Award for the Most Intelligent News Show Host. She has twice been named on the list of 100 â€Å"Global Leaders of Tomorrow† compiled by the World Economic Forum (2001, 2008). She has also received Society Magazine Young Achievers Award. In 2010 she was appointed as a member of India’s National Integration Council. She was also Asia Society Fellow in 2006 and serves on the International Advisory Council of the Asia Society. Moreover, Barkha Dutt has been portrayed in the film Lakshya, directed by Farhan Akhtar. She was the model for the principal protagonist in the â€Å"The Peddler of Soaps†, a political novel by writer-activist Anand Kurian. In recent times, the role played by Rani Mukherjee in the film No One Killed Jessica is loosely based on her. Barkha Dutt getting Padma Shri from President Patil In November 2010, OPEN magazine carried a story which reported transcripts of some of the telephone conversations of Nira Radia with senior journalists, politicians, and corporate houses, many of whom have denied the allegations. The Central Bureau of Investigation has announced that they have 5,851 recordings of phone conversations by Radia, some of which outline Radia’s attempts to broker deals in relation to the 2G spectrum sale. In one of the tapes Barkha Dutt assures Radia of getting Ghulam Nabi Azad, Congress general secretary, to talk to Karunanidhi to get the portfolios in the Union cabinet fixed. Dutt denied acting on any promise to pass on messages to the Congress. In a subsequent tape, Nira Radia is heard saying ‘Barkha has got Congress (political party) to issue a statement’. Dutt denies the allegations. Barkha has quite a few other interests too. She is an outdoor girl who likes swimming and of late she has been doing horse riding too. She had a dream of making documentaries and writing, â€Å"I feel the time for these things will come now when I slow down and leave spot reporting for the younger lot. I love reading fiction and read a lot of it. Maybe I will also some day try writing fiction. † She says this with the conviction of one who has done her job well and would now like to move on and not hold onto what brought her glory. Barkha Dutt’s married life is not disclosed yet in the media. Barkha Dutt personal life is a mystery to her followers. About marriage, she says, â€Å"Well, I could say that I have not come across the right person yet. † After knowing that Preeti loves Hrithik in film Lakshaya, Rani does has boyfriend in No one killed Jessica but Barkha marriage is still a hidden.

четверг, 7 ноября 2019 г.

Experimental Essays

Experimental Essays Experimental Essay Experimental Essay Experiment # 4 Questions: 1 . Give the procedure for reading the volume in relation to the formation of the meniscus. 2. Give the USP specification and tolerances regarding liquid and solid filling. 3. What are the factors that may affect a products fill volume? Experiment # 5 Sampling and Sampling Plan 1. To determine the numbers required in a sampling plan. 2. To demonstrate the square root sampling plan. Compute for the following problems using the two sampling plan methods The following materials were delivered and received in the warehouse with a status of ready for sampling. Determine the number of samples to be taken (using both sampling plan) include the acceptance and rejection. Labels 3 packs of 12 bundles by 500, 1 pack of 14 bundles by 500 Bottles 30 mL cap 210 shippers X 144 Inserts 55 packs by 500, 1 pack by 300 Cartons 100 packs by 250 What is the sample size code letter for a lot of 30,000 bottles coming from a new supplier? What is the sample size using square root system? For an AQL of 0. 65, using normal inspection, determine the acceptance and rejection number. M315 AC-5 Re-6 A batch size of 25 was accepted where 3 defectives were found during the nspection. The acceptance limit is 2. 5% defectives. Determine the sample size code letter, sample size, acceptance number and AQL using the master table. Give the N if the sample size is 5 using square root system. 1. Enumerate the materials to be sampled. 2. Site some advantages and disadvantages for each system of sampling plan. 3. Give the duration of time for keeping the following samples: Finished product- Reference and retention samples from each batch of finished product should be retained for at least one year after the expiry date. http://ec. europa. u/health/files/eudraleWvol-4/pdfs-en/2005_12_14_annex19_en. df Records/Documents- The duration of retention for pharmaceutical records has been the object of great debate among specialists from different areas. http:// www. arma. org/bookstore/files/stamatiadis. pdf I ne Issuance, revlslon, supersealng, ana wlt narawal 0T all documents snou10 De controlled, with maintenance of revision histories. When a document has been revised, systems should be operated to prevent inadvertent use of superseded documents. Superseded documents should be retained for a specific period of time. *no specific time? ttp://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. ov/pmc/articles/PMC3122044/ Raw materials- Packaging materials- Experiment # 7 Moisture Permeation Test 1. To understand the importance of vapour transmission test. 2. To demonstrate a simple stability study for a packaging component. 3. To train the students in decision-making. 1 . Enumerate the different classes of containers. 2. Between glass-type and plastic type container, which has lower permeability? Explain. 3. What are the different storage conditions? 4. Other than moisture and temperature, name other factors, which may directly contribute the stability ofa product.

вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.

Glenn Beck -- A Biography of Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck A Biography of Glenn Beck Conservative Credentials: As the Obama era got underway in 2009, Glenn Lee Beck became one of the 21st Centurys most important conservative commentators, eclipsing even Rush Limbaugh and becoming the voice for modern mainstream conservatives. Becks popularity is driven by what conservative writer David Frum says is a product of the collapse of conservatism as an organized political force, and the rise of conservatism as an alienated cultural sensibility.† Evidence of Becks wide-ranging influence can be found in his battle against the liberal political organization, ACORN, and the success of his outreach enterprise, The 9/12 Project. Early Life: Beck was born on Feb. 10, 1964 to Bill and Mary Beck in Mount Vernon, Wash., where he was raised as Catholic. Becks mother, an alcoholic, drowned herself in a bay near Tacoma when Beck was just 13 years-old. That same year, he got his start in radio after winning an hour of air time in a contest on one of two radio stations in town. Shortly after his mothers death, one of his brothers-in-law committed suicide in Wyoming and another had a fatal heart attack. Bill Beck, a baker, moved his family north to Bellingham, where his son attended Sehome High School. Formative Years: After graduating high school, in the early 1980s, Beck moved from Washington to Salt Lake City, Utah and shared an apartment with a former Mormon missionary. worked in Provo for six months at K-96 and later at stations in Baltimore, Houston, Phoenix, Washington and Connecticut. At 26, he wed his first wife, to whom he was married for four years and with whom he had two daughters, Mary (who has cerebral palsy) and Hannah. Despite his early success, however, Beck soon succumbed to the same substance abusing behavior that killed his mother. He was divorced in 1990, a direct result of his alcoholism and drug abuse. Recovery: During his battle with substance abuse, Beck had been accepted to Yale as a theology major thanks, in part, to a recommendation from Sen. Joe Lieberman. Beck lasted just one semester, however, distracted by the needs of his daughter, the ongoing divorce proceedings and his ever-depleting finances. After he left Yale, his family helped him get sober by acquainting him with Alcoholics Anonymous. Soon, his life began to turn around. He met his future second wife, Tania, and, as a prerequisite for marriage, he joined the Church of Latter Day Saints. Rise to Prominence: Beck returned to talk radio during this time and over the next several years began to emerge as a conservative force, identifying himself as a Mormon with Libertarian views and a strong sense of family values. He has drawn attention for expressing his opinion on controversial issues (he is fiercely critical of Hollywood liberalism, supports of the war in Iraq, opposes multiculturalism, political correctness, euthanasia, anti-smoking regulations and overt homosexuality in TV and on film. He is also pro-life), and over the years has been a vocal supporter of Republican leadership. National Spotlight: Beck went from a local radio personality to national star very quickly. The Glenn Beck Program began in 2000 at a station in Tampa, Florida, and by January 2002, Premiere Radio Networks launched the show on 47 stations. The show then moved to Philadelphia, where it became available on more than 100 stations internationally. Beck used his show as a platform for conservative activism, organizing rallies across America, which initially included San Antonio, Cleveland, Atlanta, Valley Forge, and Tampa. In 2003, he rallied in support of George W. Bushs decision to go to war with Iraq. Television: In 2006, Beck landed a prime-time news commentary show, Glenn Beck on CNNs Headline News Channel. The show was an instant hit. The following year, he was making appearances on ABCs Good Morning America. Beck also guest-hosted Larry King Live in July 2008. By this time, Beck had the second-largest following on CNN, behind Nancy Grace. In October 2008, Beck was lured to the FOX News Channel. His show, Glenn Beck, premiered on the network the night before President Barack Obama was inaugurated. He also had a segment on the popular OReilly Factor, called At Your Beck Call. Advocacy, Activism The 9/12 Project: Since 2003, Beck has toured the nation appearing in a one-man show in which he tells his inspirational story using his unique brand of humor and infectious energy. As a conservative spokesman and American patriot, Beck organized a series of rallies for troops deployed to Iraq. Becks biggest advocacy project, however, is The 9/12 Project, which he started in March 2009. The project is dedicated to upholding nine principles and twelve values that united America in the days following the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. The 9/12 project also has become a rallying cry for many conservatives fed up with the new Left. Beck ACORN: Following the 2008 general election, allegations surfaced that the liberal, inner-city community action group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) had committed numerous instances of voter registration fraud in more than 10 states. After joining FOX News, Beck began do a series of reports taking a closer look at the liberal advocacy group revealing how the organization applied pressure on banks to make loans to minority and low-income borrowers and how its leadership applied Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals. Beck continues to fight against the organizations liberal agenda. Beck President Barack Obama: For many conservatives unhappy with the direction the country has taken since Obama came to office in January 2009, Glenn Beck has become the voice of the opposition. Although he wasnt the impetus behind it, Beck has tacitly approved and vociferously supported the emergence of the national tea party movement, which developed in direct opposition to the Obama administration. While Becks assertions are always controversial he has said, for example, that Obamas health care reform package is a way to procure reparations for slavery he is likely to be a force in the conservative movement for a long time. 2016 Presidential Election During the 2016 election, Beck was a supporter of US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and frequently campaigned with him.

воскресенье, 3 ноября 2019 г.

A sound knowledge of social policy is essential for effective social Essay

A sound knowledge of social policy is essential for effective social work practice - Essay Example Implementing social policy consists of using the rules and regulations of governments to directly impact the welfare of citizens by providing them with income or services such as social insurance, public assistance, healthcare, welfare services and adequate housing (Marshall, 1965). This paper proposes to evaluate the importance of social policy for effective social work practice. The relationship between social policy and social work, the influences of political processes, the application of social policy and theory to a range of current social issues and problems especially related to social inclusion and welfare rights will be identified. The concept of the government taking responsibility for the citizens’ problems has a long history, though the term welfare state has come into use only since 1941. In Britain in 1942, William Beveridge published Social Insurance and Allied Services commonly known as the Beveridge Report. This seminal document was crucial in turning Great Britain into a welfare state (Macarov, 1995). Labour elected in July 1945 established a new welfare system by implementing the main proposals of William Beveridge’s path-breaking report. Labour replaced the multitude of schemes for the unemployed, the old and the sick with a single unified scheme which essentially remains to this day. Other than for pensions, the Act was less generous than what had been advocated by Beveridge. The low levels of benefit caused many people to rely on National Assistance â€Å"because retirement, unemployment and insurance benefits were pitched too low and did not provide separately for housing costs† (Brivati & Bale, 1997). The new National Health Service (NHS) which gave the medical profession representation and control over spending resulted in spiralling costs in the late 1940s. Comparatively, education policy as the 1944